Gabriel Lopez 3 Enterprise CollaborationKezmoKnowledge ManagementOpen-source Kezmo, our enterprise chat & task manager for teams, is now open source We are pleased to announce that we have open sourced the code base of the…Read More
Gabriel Lopez 1 enterpriseEnterprise Collaboration Will chatbots really kill the app store? chatbot hype? I recently came across the following article: Chatbots will soon kill the app…Read More
Gabriel Lopez 0 Email AlternativeenterpriseEnterprise CollaborationKezmoKnowledge Management Kezmo is going to TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2016 Yes, we are going to silicon valley's mecca event TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco 2016!! We…Read More
Gabriel Lopez 1 Email AlternativeenterpriseEnterprise CollaborationKezmoKnowledge ManagementNear Real TimeWork Life Balance Why email based enterprise collaboration is broken Email collaboration is broken, still to this date a lot of companies base their online…Read More